FAQs for Anxiety, Depression, and Grief Counseling in Columbia, MO via Telehealth and Online Therapy in Missouri

Is Telehealth Counseling (Online Therapy) as effective as in-person services?

Telehealth is just like a regular therapy session and is as effective as in-person sessions. Here are some tips to ensure you get the most out of the sessions:

  • Choose a comfortable space in your home with privacy and limited distractions.

  • Ask others around you to respect your privacy during the session.

  • Keep your door closed and make this your time.

  • If you’re meeting on the phone, turn off notifications, so you’re not getting interrupted by texts, emails, or updates.

  • Meeting on your computer, we recommend that you restart your system before the session and close out any extra pages on your browser and any programs running in the background. Video quality is improved the closer you are to your router. Keep your phone nearby to use if the video call drops, on your end or ours, and we need to move to a phone call instead.


What are the advantages of Online Therapy in Missouri? 

Telehealth provides you with a safe option to receive services from your home or private space. Using Telehealth also allows you to avoid the drive to an office. Not having to drive to an office may give you back several hours of your day and remove some of your stress. You just need to be in Missouri during your session.

What equipment do I need to do Telehealth Counseling?

Use your laptop, desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone. Your device needs to be able to connect via video and have an internal camera and internal microphone. I recommend you use headphones with a microphone to reduce any feedback that may occur. You may need to download the SimplePractice app before using your Smart Phone or Tablet.

Do I need to have special apps or programs to do Telehealth Counseling?

Maybe. If you are using a laptop or desktop, no. If you are using a smartphone or tablet, yes. The app can be easily downloaded from the app store and is easy to use. Before your session, you will receive a link from me through Simple Practice (the HIPAA-compliant software I use). Just click on the link, and you will be able to start the session. Please ask for the e-booklet that explains how to use telehealth. After the app is installed, Online Therapy is easy to navigate.

I live in a rural area with spotty internet, what should I do?

Unreliable internet can be frustrating. I know because I live with rural internet and limited cell service. Most clients can successfully use their home internet connection. However, if we lose connection during a session, we can reconnect through a phone call and finish your therapy. If you consistently have interruptions, you may make arrangements to use the internet from a friend in a nearby area or go to a restaurant and borrow their internet from your car. Working on you is so important, and I can help you problem-solve options in your area.
Please give me a call at 573-238-8575 for your free 15-minute phone consultation to start your Online Therapy in Missouri.

Go to my Contact Page, and schedule your consultation at a convenient time.